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Stilton Church of England

Primary Academy

Flourishing Through Friendship

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Rabbit Year 2/3


Rabbit Class


Teachers: Miss Goddard (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and Mrs Sage (Monday and Wednesday)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Armitrano 




In English, we are re-telling the story 'The Secret of Black Rock'. We will then write our own adventure stories. We will then move onto non-fiction writing where we will be writing explanations. 


In Maths, the year 2 children will be learning about addition and subtraction with Miss Goddard. With Mrs Sage, the children will be learning about measurements.

Year 3 children will be learning about multiplication and division. 


Afternoon Subjects

Please see the Knowledge Organisers below to find out more about what each year group will be learning in Science, Geography, History and Art.


PE Days

Year 2: Wednesday and Friday

Year 3: Thursday and Friday



Your child will be expected to read at least 4 times a week at home. These reads should be recorded in their reading diary and brought into school on a Monday morning. Each week, if your child completes the four reads, they will move up the planets, earning at rocket reader certificate once they reach the sun. 


Your child can change their reading book as they need to. All levelled books are within the classroom, so the children can do this as they arrive in the morning.



Please read at least four times a week.

Please learn multiplication and division facts for times tables that they are currently working on. The children will be doing a 5 minute weekly challenge where they will be expected to beat their score each week. 

Please learn how to spell the weekly CEW. 





Common Exception Words (words that can't be sounded out phonetically)
