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Stilton Church of England

Primary Academy

Flourishing Through Friendship

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Parent View/Parent Partnership

Flourishing Through Friendship

 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and Love your neighbour as yourself. Luke 10:27  


In our school we value the views of all parents and will always strive to listen to these as and when things arise.


We know that sometimes concerns arise and would always ask that you come to the school in the first instance to discuss your worries.  There is a protocol for how to do this which can be found at the bottom of this page.


We regularly canvas the views of our parents through surveys, coffee mornings and questionnaires as well as more formal methods such as the Ofsted Parent View. 


Ofsted Parent View is an online questionnaire for you to give your views on our school at any time of the year and will be looked at by an Ofsted inspector during an inspection.


The questionnaire can be accessed directly from the Parent View site at or from the home page of Ofsted website at

