Stilton C of E Primary Academy Curriculum Overview
At Stilton C of E Primary Academy our aim is that our pupils become curious and successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. This guide lets you know how the curriculum supports these key goals at our school.
We aim to:
- promote the highest possible achievement for all pupils irrespective of race, gender, culture or disability.
- provide a knowledge rich curriculum which is broad and balanced.
- inspire our pupils and encourage them to ask questions
- provide our pupils with a broad and rich vocabulary that all can access
- promote pupil's intellectual, spiritual, creative, cultural and physical development.
- prepare pupils to become responsible citizens, confident, independent, healthy individuals and life-long learners in the 21st century.
Our Curriculum is a well sequenced, knowledge rich curriculum which is taught to be remembered. It follows the National Curriculum with a progression model where learning is carefully sequenced to build on prior knowledge and understanding. All pupils in all classes are entitled to the same rich curriculum and provision is scaffolded for those that require it. Lessons are taught subject by subject with an overarching half termly question to develop curiosity. Our 'golden threads', run through all we do and build on previous learning.
The Primary Knowledge Curriculum ( PKC) is used as a resource to support our teaching and learning See the overview of the cross-curricular units children will be learning about .
Each half term we will let you know which topics your children will be learning about – go to your class page to find out more.
How we will know our children have met our curriculum aims?
- they show curiosity in their learning by asking questions
- they will use more ambitious vocabulary during their learning
- they will have a broad knowledge and knowledge of our golden threads
- they will be confident, independent learners who are creative and physically active
- they will have a sense of responsibility for themselves and others
The Early Years Foundation Stage
In the reception Class the children learn through the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum where the focus is learning through structured play. At Stilton C of E Primary Academy we use the principles of the Primary Knowledge Curriculum to enhance the learning experiences of the children. Through the Foundation Stage, aspects of skills and knowledge from the National Curriculum supported by the PKC are introduced in order to provide progression for children into Year 1 and beyond.
The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum sets out what children should know, understand and and do in each year group in the following subjects for Years 1-6: English, Maths Science, Computing, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Music Art and Design, Physical Educations, Personal, Social and Health Education and RSE , Modern Foreign Languages. We follow a local Cambridgeshire syllabus for Religious Education.