School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference.
Many of our school policies are provided by the Diocese of Ely Multi Academy Trust and can be accessed by using the following link DEMAT Policies.
If you want to know our policy or procedures on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. Paper copies are also available from the school office.
- DEMAT Behaviour policy 2022-23.pdf
- DEMAT Exclusion policy 2022-23 FINAL.pdf
- Stilton Academy Behaviour Procedures 2022-23.pdf
- Stilton End of Day Procedures - February 2022 (1).pdf
- Accessibility-Plan-v1-Nov-18-.pdf
- Stilton Attendance Policy 2022-23.pdf
- Anti Bullying. September 2022.doc.pdf
- Admissions Policy (CCC).pdf
- Asthma Policy.pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf
- Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy.pdf
- Educational Visits Policy.pdf
- EYFS Policy.pdf
- Feedback and Marking policy
- First Aid Policy.pdf
- First aid policy Covid appendix.pdf
- FOI-Guidelines-Apr-2018-GPDR-V1.pdf
- Home Learning Policy.pdf
- Learning and Teaching Policy.pdf
- Marking and feedback policy .pdf
- Maths - Calculations Policy
- Maths - Calculations Overview
- Management of Medicines in School
- Online-Safety-(DEMAT).pdf
- RE policy.pdf
- RSE Policy.pdf
- Site Security
- Safer Care Code of Conduct .pdf
- SEND and Inclusion Policy .pdf
- SEND Information report.pdf
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions policy
- Volunteers Working in School Policy
- Policy for care experienced children 2022.pdf
- Complaints Policy.pdf
- DEMAT Accessibility Policy.pdf
- DEMAT Data Protection Policy.pdf
- DEMAT Equality and Diversity Policy.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy Statement.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy.pdf
- Managing allegations statement.pdf
- Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy.pdf
- Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Non-Parent Emergency Contact.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Parent and Carers on their Childs data.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Parent or Carer on own data.pdf
- RSE Policy Statement.pdf
- Use of Photographs, Videos and Display boards.pdf
Trust Policies
- DEMAT Accessibility Policy.pdf
- DEMAT Behaviour policy 2022-23.pdf
- DEMAT Code of Conduct.pdf
- DEMAT Complaints Policy.pdf
- DEMAT Data Protection Policy.pdf
- DEMAT Education of Care Experienced Children Policy 2022-23.pdf
- DEMAT Exclusion policy 2022-23.pdf
- DEMAT Health and Safety Policy Statement.pdf
- DEMAT Health and Safety Policy.pdf
- DEMAT Managing allegations statement.pdf
- DEMAT Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy.pdf
- DEMAT Privacy Notice for Non-Parent Emergency Contact.pdf
- DEMAT Privacy Notice for Parent and Carers on their Childs data.pdf
- DEMAT Privacy Notice for Parent or Carer on own data.pdf
- DEMAT Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2022-23.pdf
- DEMAT Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2022-23 - Appendix 1 Stilton.pdf
- DEMAT RSE Policy Statement.pdf
- DEMAT Use of Photographs, Videos and Display boards.pdf