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Stilton Church of England

Primary Academy

Flourishing Through Friendship

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How to help at home

  This half term PE will be on a Wednesday.Please send your child into school wearing their PE kits and plimsoles or trainers. A reminder that all long hair must be tied back and earrings should not be worn.



In the Foundation Stage, children are not given homework on specific days. However, below there are some ideas for activities that will assist your child in their learning:

Read with your child as often as possible, remembering to write a comment about their reading on the reading record sheet.

Continue to use your key words at home, practicing reading and writing them. 

Look out in your book bags for specific numbers, phonemes and words to learn.



We observe children constantly in the classroom, allowing us to assess their understanding, interests and knowledge. For children learning is a full time job and they continue to develop and engage in new interests and learning opportunities outside school.

We value your input in letting us know what your child has been learning and exploring at home as it helps us to build a bigger picture of your child’s strengths and their areas for development.  Every half term we will send home a parent observation sheet for you to complete and return.
