Collective Worship
~Flourishing Through Friendship~
Collective Worship is a living, breathing part of our school!
It is a special time when we come together as a community to celebrate faith, its diversity, the world and the word of God.
Arrangements for Collective Worship in a church school are the responsibility of the governors in consultation with the Headteacher.
Collective Worship in our school is carried out in accordance with the school's founding Trust Deed, and in accordance with the statutory Instruments of Government, available from the school or Diocese.
As a school we:
- provide an act of Collective Worship for all pupils every day.
- ensure that this act of worship can take place at any time of the school day and in any regular school grouping e.g. whole school, key stage or class unit but usually we gather together at 9.05am each day
- make it clear to parents that they have the right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship. This is stated in our policy and prospectus
The aim of Collective Worship in our school is to provide the opportunity for pupils to:
- worship God
- reflect on values that are of a Christian nature and on their own beliefs
- develop a community spirit, a common ethos and shared values
- consider spiritual and moral issues
- respond to the worship offered
- to provide an opportunity to celebrate major, and some minor, Christian festivals
- to celebrate gifts, talents and achievements
- to encourage respect and care for God's creation by a positive attitude to both local and global environmental issues
- to foster feelings such as awe, wonder, thankfulness, mystery and joy.
To be meaningful for pupils, collective worship enables them to reflect on:
- what it means to be a human being
- questions of meaning, purpose and value
- the best that human beings can be - inspirational, exemplars (people of faith or not) who have demonstrated through their actions, lives and qualities. Examples will come from religious and non-religious sources.
- personal beliefs and values
Adults and children lead worship in our school following weekly themes informed by the Diocese of Ely. Our children's CW teams lead worship also. They are supported using school CW resources and also by the Headteacher, Mrs King. We have a strong link with our local church St Mary Magdalene and collective worship is led every other week in the church building by the Vicar and by our Foundation Governor in school. We also have visitors lead CW such as local church groups and charities like the NSPCC.
We warmly welcome parents, carers and other family members to join us in Collective Worship. We provide a schedule for each term so you are able to select when you would like to attend.
Please see below for the most recent themes and schedule for Collective Worship in our school.